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This blog was started in February 2007 for documenting the shaping of my freestyle kayak (most of it is in french, except a summary in german). Pani Piyo! is the name of the kayak and means drink water! in Hindi, one of the main languages in northern India .

But the blog is not only about kayak, and you can browse through the categories: "Overland to India 2007-2008", "Pani piyo 2008" for informations on building a kayak with vacuum bagging (in French or German), "Building a paddle", "Wood - Carpentry", or "Miscellaneous".

You'll find texts in English, French and German. I'm sorry for this melting pot, but it is quite tricky for me as a french living in Austria to find the right language...


Articles RÉCents

10 février 2008 7 10 /02 /février /2008 22:55

Himachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh is a state from the north of India, already in the Himalayas. We chose to spend our winter here, in the region of Dharamsala and Mc Leod Ganj (the place of the Tibetan government in Exile, where the Dalai Lama has is living since the...
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Published by Olivier Duboc - dans Overland to India 2007-2008
25 novembre 2007 7 25 /11 /novembre /2007 08:11

We just had an active traveling time with our friend Sam who came for 1 month traveling with us. We went to a lot of places as you can see from the pictures. Mona and me entered India from Nepal on the 19-10, and Sam arrived on the 23th. Then, we went...
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Published by Olivier Duboc - dans Overland to India 2007-2008
21 octobre 2007 7 21 /10 /octobre /2007 15:21

On our arrival in Nepal after a 4h trip in a deep gorge coming down from the Tibetan plateau, we could nor believe our eyes: within 30 km (we came down from 4000m to less than 2000m), the landscape turned from a rocky mountain to a green lush vegetation...
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Published by Olivier Duboc - dans Overland to India 2007-2008
15 octobre 2007 1 15 /10 /octobre /2007 12:36

Welcome to Disneyland Tibet! Crossing the country from Lhasa to Nepal was not exciting because of the Yeti, not because of the Messner and also not because of the untouched population of Tibet. It was exciting because traveling alone in this country without...
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Published by Olivier Duboc - dans Overland to India 2007-2008
14 septembre 2007 5 14 /09 /septembre /2007 09:41

China: Beijing and Great Wall
We left Mongolia on the 5th of September and arrived in Beijing on the 6th. Beijing: This city is preparing for the Olympics 2008, and the infrastructure is being developed at an incredible tempo. Old areas with street shops are destroyed and replaced...
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Published by Olivier Duboc - dans Overland to India 2007-2008
14 septembre 2007 5 14 /09 /septembre /2007 09:25

Durian addicts
The durian is a tropical fruit that many people would call “the spiky monster that smells like old socks rotten together with onions”... We discovered it 3 years ago when we first went to South east Asia, and since then we can not forget this creamy,...
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Published by Olivier Duboc - dans Overland to India 2007-2008
15 août 2007 3 15 /08 /août /2007 11:16

We discovered Mongolia ( from the 26.07.2007 on) mainly through our 2 canoe trips on the "Orkhon" and "Egin" Rivers: Ernst a german married to Bolor and living in mongolia organises great river tours. As he knew that I am a kayakist, he proposed us the...
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Published by Olivier Duboc - dans Overland to India 2007-2008
15 août 2007 3 15 /08 /août /2007 11:02

Here are some pictures of our trip through Russia from 11.07.2007 to 26.07.2007: Moscow, Transiberian railway and Baikal lake. The last picture is our impression when trying to cross the border to Mongolia! We were traveling from host to host thanks to...
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Published by Olivier Duboc - dans Overland to India 2007-2008
22 avril 2007 7 22 /04 /avril /2007 22:21

Je disais la semaine derniere qu'un photographe etait venu parce qu'il fait des concours et que le kayak l'interesse pour presenter des photos aux juges. J'etais de nouveau a Kuchl ce week-end, et il est revenu pour prendre des photos le samedi apres-midi...
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Published by Olivier Duboc - dans Pani Piyo 2007: construction d'un kayak freestyle
15 avril 2007 7 15 /04 /avril /2007 08:12

Shape de A a Z (Resume du Pani Piyo)
Cette page est le resume de la serie d'articles decrivant les etapes de la construction de mon kayak freestyle. Tous les articles sont accessibles dans la categorie "shape du panipio". J'espere donner ici une vue d'ensemble, et pour plus de details vous...
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Published by Olivier Duboc - dans Pani Piyo 2007: construction d'un kayak freestyle